New Verve worked with EVRYTHNG to help design and deliver a Jira solution that could be used for onboarding customers and customer factories to their software platform.

Results at a glance
- Streamlined the company’s onboarding process
- Facilitated collaboration with Jira Service Management and ProForma
- Simplified the solution by introducing AWS automations
EVRYTHNG, the Product Cloud managing digital identities for the world’s consumer products, was founded with a vision to connect every physical product to the web. Today the EVRYTHNG Product Cloud™ links billions of consumer product goods to a digital twin—an Active Digital Identity™—on the web, joining up item-level data at every point in the product’s journey from manufacture to the consumer. Digitized products provide visibility, validation and real-time intelligence as well as connect directly with consumers.
With EVRYTHNG, global consumer brands in sectors ranging from apparel, beauty and personal care to home goods, food and beverages can now know what their products know. EVRYTHNG’s customers see and learn from each product’s journey from factory to consumer.
Creating a streamlined approach across a wide range of clients
EVRYTHNG has clients across many industries, of different sizes and with different needs. They enlisted the help of New Verve to create a streamlined onboarding process that they could implement across their client base and in the process, fulfil new requirements for their ITSM solution. They required a cloud solution that would allow EVRYTHNG, its customers and its customers’ factories to track the on-boarding progress and collaborate on one platform with minimal manual updates.
Enhancing the company’s use of Jira Service Management to meet their onboarding needs
Having used Atlassian tools previously, New Verve enabled EVRYTHNG to use them to their full capabilities. Specifically, we strengthened EVRYTHNG’s use of Jira Service Management to capitalize on its ITSM capabilities in the onboarding solution. Jira Service Management Cloud enabled EVRYTHNG to capture vital onboarding information and its native collaboration features allowed EVRYTHNG, its clients and its clients’ factories to view the status of the onboarding requests as well as enter comments at any stage. New Verve also helped EVRYTHNG implement Jira Service Management best practices, removing unnecessary workflow steps which not only made the process simpler but easier to manage as well.
ProForma was included in the solution as it enables the creation of a dedicated onboarding service request. ProForma gave EVRYTHNG more control over information capture by including a different form at each stage of the workflow.

After implementation, New Verve reviewed and subsequently optimised the solution by creating small scale automations with Amazon Web Services (AWS). Because the overall solution was deployed and operated in the cloud, we needed to implement the automations in a scalable, performant and secure way. For this reason, we chose AWS Lambda, a ‘serverless’ compute service.
Our automations activated and completed tasks in the workflow without manual input, therefore, simplifying the processes and reducing the risk of errors. Some examples of the enhancements made by the automations were to bridge some gaps in ProForma by ensuring only one form is visible at each stage in the workflow and to retrieve information from EVRYTHNG’s internal software to pre-fill the forms.
An ITSM solution enhancement for a non-technical team
We assisted EVRYTHNG in creating a Cloud solution that allowed them to efficiently onboard customers and customer factories to the EVRYTHNG Product Cloud™ by making the process faster, less reliant on error-prone manual input, and easier to collaborate with all involved.
As shown by EVRYTHNG’s solution, service management solutions are not just for technical processes. Whatever your requirements, New Verve can help you create an Atlassian solution that best uses the tools’ capabilities. Find out more about our solutions and how to get in touch with us here.
Categories: IT Service Management Automation Reporting
Technologies: Atlassian Cloud - Jira Service Management, ProForma, Amazon Web Services - Lambda for micro-services
"EVRYTHNG works with major consumer goods brands around the world. New Verve helped us create a cloud-based solution to streamline and simplify our customer on-boarding process, across geographies and factories, allowing collaboration at every stage."
- My Linh Tran, Project Manager